High Risk Medicines Safe Storage, Usage & Disposal

High Risk Medicines Safe Storage, Usage & Disposal

We would like to draw your attention to safe storage, usage and disposal of your medicines, in particular those with high risk.
High-risk medications are drugs that have a heightened risk of causing significant patient harm when they are used in error, e.g. :
ADHD medication, all CDs (controlled drugs, including Morphine, Diazepam, Pregabalin and Gabapentin), Aspirin, anti-cancer meds, oral anticoagulants, insulin, lithium, Methotrexate, NSAIDs, opiates, Paracetamol, parafin based products, steroids, valproate. 
High-risk medications should be stored in individual containers with only one type of medication per storage container for safety. The unused high risk meds should be returned and disposed of safely at any pharmacy.
Most medication should be stored in a locked cupboard or locked container which is out of reach of children in an area that is below 25C. A few medicines, such as asthma inhalers, may need to be readily available and in this circumstance must not be locked away.
Please remember to have regular checks whilst on high risk medication.
And in case of experiencing sickness please read the following information on kidney health:
Specific medication advice:
Sodium Valproate
Oral anticoagulants – DOACs (Apixaban, Rivaroxaban, Edoxaban, Dabixaban)
Pre-consultation questionnaire template: